This is a brief summary of ML course provided by Andrew Ng and Stanford in Coursera.
You can find the lecture video and additional materials in
What is the function we are going to use to represent our hypothesis when we have a classification problem?
Logistic Regression Model
$0 \leq h_{\theta}(x) \leq 1$
For linear regression,
the form of hypothesis is something like:
$h_{\theta}(x) = {\theta}^Tx$
with logistic regression,
1. $h_{\theta}(x) = g({\theta}^Tx)$
2. $g(z) = \frac{1}{1+e^{-z}}$
this function g of z is called sigmoid function, or interchangably logistic function.
equation 1 and 2 can be combined to:
$ h_{\theta}(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^ {-\theta^T x}}$
For sigmoid function, as z goes to minus infinity, g(z) approaches zero, and as z goes to plus infinity, g(z) approaches 1.
Interpretation of Hypothesis Output
$h_{\theta} (x)$ = estimated probability that y = 1 on input x
if $x = \left[\begin{array} {rrr} x_0 \\ x_1 \end{array}\right] $
$= \left[\begin{array} {rrr} 1 \\ tumorSize \end{array}\right] $
$h_{\theta}(x) = 0.7 $
--> Tell patient that 70% chance of tumor being malignant.
$h_{\theta}(x) = p(y=1 | x; \theta) $ -> "Probability that y = 1, given x, parameterized by $\theta$"
Quiz: Suppose we want to predict, from data x about a tumor, whether it is malignant (y=1) or benign (y=0). Our logistic regression classifier outputs, for a specific tumor, hθ(x)=P(y=1|x;θ)=0.7, so we estimate that there is a 70% chance of this tumor being malignant. What should be our estimate for P(y=0|x;θ), the probability the tumor is benign?
1. P(y=0|x;θ)=0.3
2. P(y=0|x;θ)=0.7
3. P(y=0|x;θ)=0.72
4. P(y=0|x;θ)=0.3×0.7
Answer: 1
Because y = 0 or 1, following equations should work,
P(y = 0| x; $\theta$) + P(y=1|x; $\theta$) = 1
P(y = 0| x; $\theta$) = 1 - P(y=1|x; $\theta$)
Lecturer's Note
Hypothesis Representation
We could approach the classification problem ignoring the fact that y is discrete-valued, and use our old linear regression algorithm to try to predict y given x. However, it is easy to construct examples where this method performs very poorly. Intuitively, it also doesn’t make sense for h_\theta (x)hθ(x) to take values larger than 1 or smaller than 0 when we know that y ∈ {0, 1}. To fix this, let’s change the form for our hypotheses $h_\theta (x)$ to satisfy 0 $\leq h_{\theta} (x) \leq 1 $. This is accomplished by plugging $\theta^Tx$ into the Logistic Function.
Our new form uses the "Sigmoid Function," also called the "Logistic Function":
The function g(z), shown here, maps any real number to the (0, 1) interval, making it useful for transforming an arbitrary-valued function into a function better suited for classification.
$h_{\theta}(x)$ will give us the probability that our output is 1. For example, $h_{\theta}(x) = 0.7 $ gives us a probability of 70% that our output is 1. Our probability that our prediction is 0 is just the complement of our probability that it is 1 (e.g. if probability that it is 1 is 70%, then the probability that it is 0 is 30%).