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[Reinforcement Learning in Finance] Introduction to the Specialization, Prerequisites, What you will learn1. Core Concepts of ML2. key ML algorithms that are used in finance3. Analyze both "classical" ML approaches (logistic regression, SVM, decision trees, etc.) and neural architectures including deep learning approaches4. Use ML Methods to solve real-world problems in finance using Python ML libraries such as scikit-learn and TensorFlow5. Complete programming assignments involvi..
[Review] Portfolio Optimization Based On Funds Standardization and Genetic Algorithm Before starting this review, and because I am not sure if it is okay to post this type of journal/article review writings, just want to notify that this is actually not my work and to make sure I will delete the post if this is problematic (please leave me some comments in such case). This post is a simple translated summary to review and is to give me a better understanding of it. Portfolio Opt..
[Interactive 3D Graphics] Lesson1: Introduction Introduction자주 도움을 받고 있는 Udacity 강의에서 three.js 관련 수업을 찾을수 있었다. https://classroom.udacity.com/courses/cs291이 강의내용과 three.js관련 기술 및 사용법에 대해 블로깅하고자한다.esketit. Interactive 3D RenderingRendering - Depiction, translation.To render - to create an image. in 3d, mathematically define objects, materials, lights, and a camera. interactive - instantly influence what you see on the screen. in 3d, useres acti..